Using our voices for power
Watch Alexis Anderson-Reed (Chief Executive Officer of State Voices) express the ways we strive to go beyond traditional civic engagement.
Ready to vote for something?
Make a plan to vote today →Watch Alexis Anderson-Reed (Chief Executive Officer of State Voices) express the ways we strive to go beyond traditional civic engagement.
Our network envisions a healthy multiracial democracy where everyone is free and able to live in their full dignity. In this world, our people have agency and the resources they need to live and thrive.
It is our commitment to make sure we are modeling the values we’re fighting for in the outside world, within our own network. This starts with how we treat one another, how we learn together, and how we engage around topics about freedom and liberation.
We all deserve care and dignity. That’s why State Voices regularly finds time for workers to rest, experimenting with having multiple Fridays off, having open discussions about balancing life and work, and experimenting with Wellness Wednesdays.
Freedom will take all of us, and we all have our special set of skills, interests, and talents that deserve to be highlighted and invested in. That’s why we provide significant professional development funds to all our staff to support people in their growth.
It’s important that we share a commitment to growing and learning about racial and gender justice, and that we create safer spaces for marginalized people. During our convenings, we hold anti-oppression trainings and workshops to challenge ourselves to be more inclusive.
When it comes to democracy, our values, and changing hearts and minds, nothing reaches people quite like art. That’s why our network takes every opportunity we can to create and share art with a message, like with our Freedom Arts Collaborative.
Are you interested in joining us and the fight for healthy democracy? Apply to a job at State Voices or one of our State Tables today.