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Archival black and white photo of trailblazing African American journalist and organizer, Ida B. Wells-Barnett. Wells-Barnett is a 20th century Black woman wearing a ruffled dress. Her hair is styled in an updo.
Featured Post: Ida B. Wells Was A Pathbreaking Data Storyteller
Featured Post: In the News, “The Future of Our Democracy Relies On Donors.”
A group of voting rights advocates gather in front of the Florida state capitol building in.
Featured Post: Civic State of Mind: What Is A Legislative Session?
Organizers and advocates with Nebraska Civic Engagement Table helping register college students to vote.
Featured Case Study: In Nebraska, Nebraska Civic Engagement Table is Pushing for Economic Justice and a Living Wage


At Pennsylvania Voice, it’s our goal to create habitual, informed voters who vote twice a year, every year and whose interests are represented in every election. When elected officials feel accountable to their constituents, they make decisions that make life better for all people. We are a partnership of 50+ organizations working together to build an inclusive, just and reflective democracy in Pennsylvania. Building a reflective democracy means full participation across every election, so we build systems that support participation and actions that encourage it.