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Voices for Power: Our Power

July 8, 2020


In 2018, the State Voices network of 23 state coalitions and hundreds of partners radically reimagined our vision, our people, our power, and our theory of change. Watch this video to learn more about State Voices’ new vision. We’re ready to build power in 2020 and beyond.

The video transcript is below:

“We are the national affiliation of State Tables building political power with multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural communities. We envision a reflective, responsive, and accountable democracy. We center and value advocates, activists, and organizers to transform the lives of our communities — especially those who experience oppression.

We fight for a world where Black, Indigenious, People of Color (BIPOC), women, and young people are free and able to live in their full dignity. In this world, Our People have affordable housing, economic stability, and the resources they need to live.

We dream of a world that is centered in joy and leads with love; where we are all represented and connected. We envision a nation of powerful state-based coalitions that transform the political landscape by anchoring racial and gender justice as a strategy to build power and win. We believe we can create this free and liberated world together.

With friends and partners from across the country, the State Voices network fights for those voices and communities. With our Strategic Direction, we’re recommitting ourselves to supporting, funding, and amplifying on-the-ground organizers, leadership, and political power. This work ain’t easy. But it’s our life’s work and we’re built for this. Organizers and advocates are strengthening communities, fighting injustice, and helping us all remember our most sacred humanity. We’re crafting a new anthem. And we will be heard. These are voices for power. “

Categories: Strategic Direction