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The Strategic Direction

In order to fully contribute to the movement for a healthy democracy in this political climate, State Voices embarked on a two-year process to radically reimagine the power of our network. 

Together, we’ve moved beyond a narrow scope of civic engagement to one that moves toward transformation and justice for all.

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In This Report

The product of hundreds of responses, interviews, surveys, and two conferences, the Strategic Direction process addressed the problems the State Voices Network needed to resolve to build lasting power for the hundreds of partners in the network.

The Strategic Direction Report represents a new era in the State Voices Network that firmly grounds our work to transform governments and supports our communities in the experiences of Black, Indigenous, People of Color(BIPOC), women, young people, poor people, TLGBQIA+people, and Disabled people.

This report provides clarity on the organizational shifts State Voices underwent from 2018 to 2020 and defines our role, vision, and people in the movement to build a healthy multiracial democracy.

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This report was generated by the entire State Voices Network, Board of Directors, staff, and partners. The authors are grateful to Alexis Anderson-Reed, Chief Executive Officer at SV, Jordan Deloach, Communications Director at SV, Dancing Hearts Consulting, and Ghost Note Design for providing direction throughout the entire project.

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